In this lesson we are learning the letters «kaaf» and «laam». The separate and final forms of these letters are the same as well as the medial and final forms are written alike too. Let's see how they look:
The letter «kaaf»
The letter «kaaf» sounds exactly the same as the English «k».
This is what the letter «kaaf» looks like in various positions:
As you can see, the separate and final forms are the same as well as the initial and medial ones.
The letter «laam»
The letter «laam» is compared to the English «L» but «laam» is much softer.
It is necessary to pronounce this letter softly. If you pronounce it like the English «L» (e.g in the words «film», «golf»), then this is incorrect.
Examples of the correct pronunciation of «laam»:
1. Assalamu Aleykum
The only case when the letter «laam» is pronounced firmly is in the name of the God «Allah» and other derivative words, e.g.:
2. Subhana
3. 'Abdu
However, sometimes, the name Allah is pronounced with a soft «L» too, e.g.:
1. Bismi
2. Alhamduli
We will find out why it is so in the lessons of tajweed In Sha Allah.
This is what the letter «laam» looks like in various positions: