The differentiating madd (
It is called differentiating because it differentiates a questioning hamzah from a connecting hamzah. It is also called «the necessary stretch in a word» (al-madd al-laazim al-qalimiy
For example:
It should be extended for 6 counts. The differentiating madd is found in only 6 places in the Quran:
1. Surah 6 al-An’am, ayahs 143 and 144
2. Surah 10 Yunus, ayahs 51, 59, 91
3. Surah 27 an-Naml, ayah 59
Find the rule of differentiating madd in 142-143 ayahs of the surah al-An’am.
1. What is the differentiating madd? 2. How many counts is it extended for? 3. In how many places in the Qur’an is it found?